Pharmacy Services

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Vendor representatives will be seen by pharmacy personnel by appointment only. All appointments will be scheduled by Pharmacy Services.

For information about the supply and procurement of drugs, returned goods, distribution of new product information or any other drug information, appointments will be made with the pharmacy purchasing coordinator.

For contract issues and clinical and formulary issues, please contact Pharmacy Services administration.

Vendor representatives should provide Pharmacy Services with monograph packets for new drugs released by their companies as soon as such information is available. Vendor representatives will also provide information on changes pertaining to drugs currently available, i.e., indications, dosage, route of administration, formulation, etc., before discussing the changes with hospital personnel.

Legacy Pharmacy Services Administration manages a closed formulary system. Detailing of pharmaceuticals that are not on formulary is strictly forbidden in any Legacy Health facility. Information about the formulary addition request process will be provided to the physician by the pharmacy clinical manager upon physician request.