The importance of family acceptance

Your child always needs your support. Perhaps now more than ever. To learn more about the importance of family acceptance, please see the Family Acceptance Project. This organization does amazing work in the field of LGBTQ youth and information includes resources, research, publications and a variety of supports from this organization in California that links family support to resilience in LGBT youth. The bond you share with your child can be strengthened by talking openly with them about their identity. It is important for caregivers to learn about what your child might be going through and experiencing so that you can give them your best support. Every child and every family’s journey is unique, and our staff at the Randall Children's Gender Care Center will work with you to meet your child and family’s individual needs.

Resources for caregivers

As a parent/caregiver/guardian, you want to be prepared with knowledge and support so you can support your child. Take advantage of a wide breadth of resources for parents and families of transgender/gender-diverse children. Here are a few good places to start:

There are also several local, statewide, national and international resources for you on this journey.

Portland resources

  • Sexual & Gender Minority Youth Resource Center (SMYRC): Offers activities for transgender/gender-diverse/queer youth ages 13–23
  • TransActive Gender Project: Offers support groups, information, advocacy, trainings for tansgender and gender diverse youth (4–18) and thier families
  • Outside In: Community health clinic that offers medical care as well as resources for name and gender change on identity documents
  • Q Center: Community space that offers several programs that support and celebrate LGBTQQIA identities

Oregon resources

  • Basic Rights Oregon: Statewide LGBTQ advocacy and social justice organization
  • Northwest Gender Alliance: Nonprofit group that provides social support and education
  • Central Oregon Coast Trans Community: Newport-area Facebook group that is a support group for transgender/gender-diverse individuals and their families
  • Human Dignity Coalition: Bend-based gorup that offers several programs, events, gorups for transgender/gender-diverse youth
  • Rainbow Youth: Salem-area organization that offers spaces for LGBTQ youth to connect.
  • Trans*Ponder: Eugene nonprofit organiation that offers resources, support, education, advocacy and other services for transgender and gender-diverse people

Washington resources

  • Wild Heart Society: Vancouver-based organization that offers mental health, groups, and events for transgender and gender-diverse youth
  • Children's Home Society: Support and community groups for transgender and gender-diverse youth

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