
Dual Source CT Scanner

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What is a dual-source CT scan?

All computed tomography (CT) scans use x-rays to quickly create cross-sectional pictures of your body. A dual-source CT scan uses two x-ray sources at right angles to each other. This doubles the speed of the test so you receive less radiation, and it also creates sharper images. A dual-source CT scan can be used to guide a surgeon to the right area, to identify tumors, or to study blood vessels.

What can I expect?

We will do everything we can to make you comfortable. You'll be asked to lie on a table, on your stomach, back or side. The table slides into the center of the CT scanner, where an x-ray beam will rotate around you.

Sometimes a CT scan requires a special dye, called contrast material, to highlight a specific area and create a clearer image. If your scan uses the contrast, you'll either receive it through a hand or forearm vein or else be asked drink it.


How should I prepare?

  • If contrast material will be used, it's very important to tell the doctor if you're allergic to iodine or seafood, or if you have kidney problems.
  • You may be asked not to eat or drink anything for 4 to 6 hours before the test.
  • Take your usual medications unless your doctor says not to.  Talk to your doctor if you take any blood thinners that would affect bleeding (Coumadin/Warfarin, Pradaxa).
  • You will be asked to remove jewelry and wear a hospital gown during the scan.


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