About Grand Rounds

PediNet adopted Grand Rounds in 2014. At this time, we held in-person events with a virtual option. Since Covid, we have remained virtual but hope to bring back the hybrid option. In 2023 we sent out a survey to assess what we could do to improve your Grand Rounds Experience. Some of these changes include:

  • More Behavioral Health Topics
  • An easier navigation experience including, registration, claiming your CMEs, and watching previous offerings.
  • Topics which are geared towards Mandatory Education. This includes Cultural Competency, Opiod Management just to name a few.

PediNet works closely with the Continuing Medical Education Program (CME) to ensure you are receiving the necessary and quality materials and updates you need to offer quality care of pediatric patients. While our program is changing to be more dynamic, we want to maintain the quality of Grand Rounds education. We are working on a rolling calendar and hoping to have it up by Jan 2024. This will allow medical professionals unable to attend to be able to view webinars for a rolling calendar year. Please note that we are not able to keep all webinars recorded due to content presented, so some may not be available after the livestream has ended.
