Legacy patients with United insurance

Home > Legacy and United reach agreement > To Legacy Patients with United insurance

September 3, 2024


Dear Legacy Health Patient,

I am following up on a letter you should have received from United Healthcare with some important information about health insurance coverage. A new contract between United and Legacy is currently being negotiated that includes United Commercial, Medicare Advantage and Medicaid plans. This contract excludes Silverton hospitals and clinics, which are under a separate agreement with United.

As of now, nothing has changed: Legacy remains in-network for your United insurance plan. However, if United chooses not to equitably increase reimbursement, Legacy will be out of network for United members after Sept. 30, 2024. I know and regret that this situation may cause anxiety and confusion.

Legacy has notified United frequently over the past year that we have been experiencing rising costs just like other healthcare systems across the country. That means United should pay its fair share of the cost to continue operating our health system. Legacy has therefore asked for a reasonable reimbursement increase to partially offset increases in the cost of healthcare supply and labor expenses.

The notice of termination issued by Legacy prevents the current contract from automatically renewing at existing rates. We have had a positive, productive and long-standing relationship with United. While to date, they have not agreed to our proposal, we are working together collaboratively and intend to continue negotiating. We are hopeful they will agree to a fair and reasonable reimbursement increase before Sept. 30, 2024.

To keep you informed, Legacy will provide frequent updates on the current state of our negotiation at legacyhealth.org/UnitedContract. Please refer to the list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for the most current information. If you have questions, contact United using the phone number on the back of your member ID card.

Thank you for trusting Legacy Health with your health care. It’s our hope that we will continue to provide the care that you and your family deserve.




Merrin Permut, MHA
Vice President and Chief Population Health Officer
Legacy Health

Why did I get this letter?

We sent this letter to Legacy Health patients who we believe are United Healthcare members of a Commercial, Medicare Advantage or Medicaid plan. If you are no longer insured by United, you may disregard this letter. We chose to communicate directly with our patients because we will always do everything possible to help our patients. By sending you timely letters with the latest information, you can make informed choices about your health care.

Can I still see my Legacy doctor?

Nothing changes right now. You and your family can still see your Legacy providers and access our services as usual. If there are changes, they will not occur until after Sept. 30, 2024.

How do I reach United to ask questions?

Contact United using the phone number on the back of your member ID card.

Where can I find more information?

Visit the FAQ

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