Community Impact

Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center gives back to the community

December 13, 2021

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“This is the first year I’ve organized a sock drive,” says Emily. “Legacy Health used to hold a system-wide sock drive managed by the public relations team every year for the holidays. After a reorganization within the department, the PR team no longer had staff to support it.”  

Still, the public relations team encouraged hospitals to get staff together to host their own drive for the hospital's community and patients, so the Legacy Good Samaritan staff decided to pick up the challenge. Next year, Legacy’s community benefit department plans to partner with Legacy Good Samaritan staff to revive the system-wide sock drive.

During the holiday season, many people want to give back to those in need, but many people don’t have the resources to give financially. Buying a pair of socks is much more accessible for many staff than making a financial contribution, and socks can go a long way to help those in need. Lift UP has expressed the need for warm socks for many homeless community members and pantry clients, so Legacy Good Samaritan staff are grateful for the opportunity to support and give back.

This holiday season Emily York, a clinical psychologist and project manager for Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center’s diabetes service, led a sock drive with the support of other Legacy Good Samaritan staff. The group donated 1,316 pairs of socks to the nonprofit organization Lift UP. Lift UP is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to reduce hunger and improve the lives of low-income residents of Northwest and downtown Portland. 

Legacy Good Samaritan has always had a close relationship with Lift UP through the “adoption” of Gallagher Plaza, a low-income housing unit located close to the hospital on the corner of Northwest Kearney Street and Northwest 21st Avenue. The hospital provides dietary-specific food boxes, an emergency food closet, and support club-cooking classes and education. Lift UP also hosts a free food market on the Legacy Good Samaritan resident clinic campus once a month for our patients and the community.


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