Home > Giving & Support > Community Benefit > Scholarship Opportunities

These scholarships and loan repayments are awarded by Legacy's Foundations and Volunteer Auxiliaries. We're pleased to offer this support, but the specific eligibility guidelines must be followed.

Please read the guidelines for each scholarship carefully. We're sorry, but Legacy scholarships are not available for students who don't meet the requirements for school, geographic residence or other criteria.

Most scholarships are awarded to students living in Legacy's service area who are entering college and plan a career in health care, and some include invaluable on-the-job experience during the summer months.

Nursing Students

Please note the specific eligibility requirements for these scholarships. You must be a current student at Linfield School of Nursing to qualify.

Scholarship #1 - Peterson Scholarship

Eligibility  Linfield College Juniors and Seniors with a GPA of 3.0 and a commitment to nursing.
Hospital Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center
 Program funding Good Samaritan Foundation
 Length of award 1 year
 Total award per student $1,000
 Awards per year Varies
 Contact Linfield Financial Aid Office (McMinnville) finaid@linfield.edu or 503-883-2225

Scholarship #2 - Lloydena Grimes Scholarship


Linfield College Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors with a GPA of 3.0

Hospital Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center
Program funding  Good Samaritan Foundation
Length of award 1 year
Total Award per student   $2,000
Awards per year  Varies
Contact  Linfield Financial Aid Office (McMinnville) finaid@linfield.edu or 503-883-2225

Scholarship #3 - Tigerstrand Scholarship

Eligibility  Linfield College students, eligible after one quarter at Linfield
Hospital  Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center
Program funding  Good Samaritan Foundation
Length of award  1 year
Total award per student  $2,000
Awards per year  1
Contact  Linfield Financial Aid Office (McMinnville) finaid@linfield.edu or 503-883-2225


Scholarship #4 - Geraldine Stephenson Scholarship

Eligibility  Students who are seeking a medically-related education and have had their higher education interrupted for an extended period of at least five years or more, or have been unable to complete their education due to hardship.
Hospital Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center
 Program funding Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center Volunteers (endowment administrators)
 Length of award 1 year
 Total award per student Up to $10,000
 Awards per year Varies
 Application deadline May 30, 2025
 Application form 2025 Geraldine Stephenson Scholarship Application
 Contact Brandi Porter, brporter@lhs.org

Returning Student

Scholarship #1 - Mount Hood Medical Center Foundation Health Care Professional Scholarship


Must be a current or previous employee during the past two years at Mount Hood Medical Center and must be enrolled in/accepted to a program leading to a degree that would build his/her professional merit. 

Hospital Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center
Program funding Mount Hood Medical Center Foundation
Length of award  1 year
Total award per student Up to $5,000 
Awards per year  Four or more 
Application Deadline  March 31, 2025
Application Form  PDF, MS Word
Contact  Kristine Krause, kkrause@lhs.org

Scholarship #2 - 2025 Chou Nursing Scholarship Fund for Advanced Education



Candidates must meet the following criteria to apply: 

  • Current employee (0.6 FTE or greater) of  Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center for at least one year.
  • Accepted to/enrolled in a program leading to an advanced degree a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree. (All BSN programs are eligible, not just RN to BSN.)
  • Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) degrees are NOT eligible for Chou Award funds. 
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degrees are only eligible if the individual plans to remain in nursing (as opposed to a prescribing provider.) However, BSN and MSN students will be given priority over doctoral candidates. 
  • Taking courses leading directly to an advanced degree (prerequisite course work is not eligible.)  
  • Eligible coursework must first be approved for tuition reimbursement through the Legacy Educational Assistance Program (LEAP). If you are planning to apply to LEAP but it is too early to do so, please estimate your expected LEAP reimbursement amount on this application.  
  • GPA of at least 3.0 for a BSN student and a 3.7 for a MSN must be earned in order to qualify for the reimbursement.*
  • *In pass/no pass programs at education institutions such as Western Governors University, a “pass” is considered a 3.0 GPA. Therefore, BSN students can be eligible for Chou Nursing Funds, but MSN students are not.
All clinical programs are eligible and encouraged to apply.
Hospital Legacy Health Salmon Creek Medical Center
Program funding Salmon Creek Hospital Foundation
Length of award  1 calendar year
Total award per student

Up to $2,000 annually for BSN and MSN

Awards per year  Up to 40
Application Deadline  November 1, 2024
Application Form  PDFMS Word
Chou Scholarship FAQs Download FAQs here
Contact  Kristine Krause, kkrause@lhs.org

Scholarship #3 - 2024 Carol J. Kenagy Nursing Education Scholarship


Candidates must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • Legacy Silverton Health nurse employed in good standing with no disciplinary action in the prior 12 months.
  • OSBN, RN active status without disciplinary action.
  • Enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a professional accredited nursing degree program (baccalaureate, graduate) in the US.
  • Applicant must complete essay question. (see application)
  • Scholarship finalists will be interviewed by the Nursing Scholarship Committee.
  • Financial need will be considered but this is NOT a “need-based only” scholarship.
Hospital Legacy Silverton Health Medical Center
Program funding Silverton Health Foundation
Length of award 1 calendar year
Total award per student


Awards per year Up to 3
Application Deadline June 3, 2024
Application Form PDF, MS Word
Contact Kristine Krause, kkrause@lhs.org

Scholarship #4- Meridian Park Medical Foundation Health Care Professional Scholarship


Must be a current employee of Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center and enrolled in/accepted to a program leading to a degree that would build his/her professional career. All clinical programs are eligible and encouraged to apply.

Hospital Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center
Program Meridian Park Medical Foundation
Length of award 1 calendar year
Total award per student

Up to $5,000

Awards per year Multiple
Application Deadline March 31, 2025
Application Form PDF, MS Word
Contact Kristine Krause, kkrause@lhs.org

Scholarship #5- 2025 Good Samaritan Nursing Scholarship


Candidates must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • Current employee at Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center for at least one year.
  • Accepted to/enrolled in a program leading to a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degrees are only eligible if the individual plans to remain in nursing (as opposed to a prescribing provider.)  However, BSN and MSN students will be given priority over doctoral candidates
  • Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) degrees are NOT eligible.
  • Taking courses leading directly to a BSN, MSN or DNP degree.
  • GPA of at least 3.0.

Any employee in a BSN program is eligible to apply.

Part-time employees may receive pro-rated awards.

All clinical programs are eligible and encouraged to apply.

Additional information found here.

Hospital Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center
Program Good Samaritan Foundation
Length of award 1 year
Total award per student

Up to $5,000 annually

Awards per year Multiple
Application Deadline January 13, 2025
Application Form PDF, MS Word
Contact Kristine Krause, kkrause@lhs.org

Scholarship #6- Silverton Health Auxiliary Medical Career Scholarship


Candidates must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • Be a student in the Silverton Medical Center service area, preparing for a medical career at an accredited institution of higher education or have been accepted for fall admission by a college or university.
  • Enclose a transcript of grades from high school or college.
  • Complete Silverton Health Auxiliary Scholarship application.
  • Write a one page essay explaining reason for choosing particular medical field of study.
  • Answer application questions on a separate piece of paper.
Hospital Legacy Silverton Medical Center
Program Silverton Health Auxiliary
Length of award 1 calendar year
Total award per student Various amounts
Awards per year Varies
Application Deadline February 28, 2025, 5 p.m.
Application Form Click here
Contact Barbara Guenther, Silverton Health Auxiliary Scholarship Committee Chairman, 503-873-7241



Scholarship #7 - Meg Gadler Tripp Nursing Scholarship


Candidates must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • Current employee at Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center
  • Accepted to/enrolled in a program leading to a nursing degree or completing pre-requisites for entry into a nursing program
  • Demonstrate a commitment to serving Legacy Mount Hood’s patients and community

Priority for the scholarships will be given to: 

  • Emergency Department (ED) and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses who are pursing advanced degrees (MSN or higher), including but not limited to Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP).
  • CNA/CHTs or ED techs enrolled in a nursing program or completing pre-requisites for entry into a nursing program.
  • RNs from other units pursuing an advanced degree (MSN or higher).
Hospital Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center
Program Legacy Health Foundation
Length of award 1 calendar year
Total award per student Up to $2,000 annually
Awards per year 2 or more
Application Deadline March 31, 2025
Application Form PDF, MS Word

Kristine Krause, kkrause@lhs.org


Scholarship #8 - Irene Stephenson High School Scholarship Endowment


Candidates must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • Be a graduating high school senior attending a school in the Meridian Park Medical Center's geographical service area:  Canby, Lake Oswego, Lakeridge, Newberg, North Marion, Oregon City, Sherwood, Tualatin, Tigard, West Linn, Wilsonville or Woodburn.
  • Applicants must have intentions to pursue a health care career.
  • Enclose a transcript of grades from high school.
  • Two letters of reference (one to be from your guidance counselor; the other from an adult of your choice)
  • Complete and sign application form
Hospital Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center
Program Irene Stephenson High School Scholarship Endowment 
Length of award 1 calendar year
Total award per student $2,000
Awards per year Up to six
Application Deadline April 4, 2025
Application Form 2025 Irene Stephenson Scholarship Application
Contact Brandi Porter, Volunteer Services, at 503-692-2270


Scholarship #9 - Cori Lowery Brotherton Nursing Scholarship


Candidates must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • Current employee of Legacy Health.
  • Accepted to/enrolled in a LPN, ADN, BSN, MA or CNA program.
  • GPA of at least 3.0, if currently enrolled.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the field of nursing and serving Legacy patients.

Employees from all programs/departments are eligible and encouraged to apply.

Program Legacy Health Foundation
Length of award 1 calendar year
Total award per student $1,000 or more
Awards per year Up to 5
Application Deadline November 18, 2024
Application Form PDF, Word
Contact Kristine Krause, kkrause@lhs.org