Community Impact

Physicians Week: Dr. Jim Stageman

March 25, 2025

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Silverton hospitalist transforms whiteboards into canvas for art

As we celebrate Physicians Week at Legacy, we’re taking time to showcase the nonwork side of a few providers. This peek behind the curtains hopefully gives everyone an idea of what makes our providers passionate and why they dedicate their time to helping the people in our communities. 

It’s hard for an artist to resist an empty canvas. At least that was the case for Dr. Jim Stageman, a hospitalist at Legacy Silverton Medical Center. The blank whiteboards he kept seeing stuck to walls around the hospital piqued his interest.

So, one day he started what he calls doodling. His doodle, however, was far from the scribbles you’d find from someone passing the time. Those Calvin and Hobbes cartoon recreations were the start of what has been a 12-year work of love. 

Dr. Stageman’s interest in art goes back to high school. He is largely self-taught, but occasionally takes classes at the Art Department, an art supply store in Salem. He draws inspiration from artists, buildings, architects and whatever else might catch his eye. He enjoys working in several mediums but prefers pencil. His goal is simple.

“I want it to be something that brings people a positive experience in their day,” he said. “In general, people are coming here for something that is scary and stressful in their life. I want to give them something that feels personal and interesting to patients and staff.”

The art might take up just a portion of a whiteboard while others fill the entire space. He works when he can carve out time, meaning it could take days or weeks to complete a piece. He’s recreated notable images from artists like Edward Hopper, Gustave Callibotte and Vincent van Gogh. When he’s tired of looking at a piece or he has a new inspiration, out comes the eraser. 

He's turned a couple of his drawings into oil paints for staff members who were so taken by the work that they asked for a painting of their own. He’s also taken requests from staff members who want something specific on a whiteboard.

As for his favorite, “Are you asking me if I have a favorite child?”

Let’s just say there are many Dr. Stageman has enjoyed creating. 

“I appreciate how much people like it,” he said. “It’s really fun to get to do this and get a positive response from people.”


Whiteboard art by Dr. Stageman
Whiteboard art by Dr. Stageman
Whiteboard art by Dr. Stageman
Whiteboard art by Dr. Stageman

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People are coming here for something that is scary and stressful in their life. I want to give them something that feels personal and interesting to patients and staff.

Physicians Week

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