Simple choices toward a healthy weight
January 24, 2020
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While losing weight, or even maintaining it, is rarely easy, Legacy Health dietitians say it’s helpful to focus on simple steps and healthy habits:
Listen to your body. “When you’re hungry, take time eat. When you feel full, stop. You can eat more later if you need to,” says Gerry Howick, R.D.
Plan and cook your meals. “Cooking meals ahead of time can help you stay on track,” says Danielle Toepfer, R.D. “Plan your grocery list to reflect your meals for the weekand choose recipes you can make with the time you have.”
Check your beverage choices. “Calories from sugary drinks like sodas, juices and alcohol add up,” Toepfer says. “Drink water with meals. It’s a simple and affordable way to maintain weight.”
Follow the guidelines. Howick says to try the USDA MyPlate suggestions: eat a variety of foods –– plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains such as brown rice, barley and bulger, and proteins such as meat, eggs, cheese and lentils.
Watch the sugar. The dietitians say you shouldn’t have10% of your total daily calories from added sugars. New food labels show the amount of added sugar on nutrition facts labels.
Learn more about healthy weight.
Weight, lifestyle and prevention
Deciding what is a healthy weight is personal. “I think a healthy weight is one that allows you to do the activities that you love,” Toepfer says. “If your weight prevents you from being active, you should be concerned.”
In addition to quality of life, a healthy weight helps with prevention. “It’s freedom from risks of weight-related diseases such as hypertension, heart disease or diabetes,” Howick says.
Looking for help with weight loss? Legacy Weight and Diabetes Institute.
Media inquiries: Vicki Guinn,, 503-415-5143