Visiting trainees
Legacy Health’s Graduate Medical Education supports approximately 400 rotations annually across multiple disciplines for visiting fellows and residents; and dental, allopathic, osteopathic, physician assistant, and podiatric students.
Most of our rotations are covered under institutional agreements with training programs in our region. Please check first with your home institution to see if an agreement is already in place for a rotation.
For rotations not covered under an agreement, we allow visiting trainees the opportunity to arrange clinical rotations with Legacy Health medical staff members as follows:
- Trainees may reach out to Legacy Health medical staff members for willingness to accommodate them for a rotation. GME Coordinators do not query medical staff members for availability on the behalf of trainees.
- Medical Staff members (preceptors) who agree to take a trainee for a rotation need to submit a Rotation Request Form to the GME Office for review (form will only be accepted from preceptor).
- Approved requests will be assigned to a GME Coordinator who will work with the home institution to facilitate agreements, clearance paperwork, onboarding, and computer and ID badge access. A minimum of 90 days is required to complete this process.
All visiting trainees must meet the following requirements:
- Trainees must be from programs accredited by ACGME, AOA or other accrediting organization for their academic study (i.e., LCME, AOA, ARC-PA, CPME, etc).
- See Rotation Intake Form. Home institution representative must sign that all requirements on page 2 have been met.
Next steps ...
Once your rotation has been arranged, be sure the required forms are received by GME at least 90 days prior to the desired start date of the rotation (additional time encouraged and appreciated). This will ensure that appropriate background checks and informatics access requests are completed by the time your rotation is scheduled to begin. Missing or late forms may result in a delay of the start of your rotation.
Medical students seeking a hands-on rotation must be enrolled as a fourth-year student, in good academic standing, at a medical school accredited by the LCME or the AOA.
The Graduate Medical Education department does not offer observerships.