
Image Gently

Image Gently

At Legacy, we know that children are more sensitive to radiation than adults.

That's why we are committed to radiation safety for our pediatric patients. We continually adjust our imaging techniques to reduce exposure and avoid a potentially harmful dose of radiation.

As part of our commitment, we have joined a national education and awareness campaign called Image Gently. It was created by the Alliance of Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging, a national coalition of health care organizations dedicated to providing safe, high-quality pediatric imaging. If you have questions, feel free to ask any of our radiology staff.


Imaging guidelines

The campaign recommends the following guidelines for healthcare providers and families:

  • Image when there is a clear medical benefit
  • Use the lowest amount of radiation for adequate imaging based on the size of the child
  • Image only the indicated areas
  • Avoid multiple scans
  • Use alternative diagnostic studies (such as ultrasound or MRI) when possible

Image Gently brochure

You'll find more information about children and radiation safety in this brochure:

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