Palliative Care

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Improving quality of life with palliative care

What is palliative care?

Palliative care gives an extra layer of support to patients with serious illnesses or injuries as well as life-threatening illnesses. We work to improve the quality of life of patients and families.  We help patients cope with their symptoms. Our team works with other providers to give the best care possible that fits within a patient's wishes. 

Legacy Health's palliative care team can help patients:

  • Manage symptoms (pain, nausea, fatigue, weakness, breathing problems, sleep issues, constipation or weight loss)
  • Talk about and plan the treatment with the whole care team
  • Make plans for future care and difficult health choices
  • Find emotional and spiritual support through counseling or community resources

Palliative care vs. hospice care

Both hospice and palliative care give support and comfort. However, palliative care is given to patients at any stage of a serious illness or injury. Hospice is for patients near the end-of-life who are no longer receiving cure-related treatment.

We aim to improve the patient's quality of life and reduce their symptoms at any point along the treatment path.

How to get palliative care

Anyone — patients, families or health care providers — can request palliative care services.

For patients in the hospital, the physician in charge of your care can ask for palliative care. 

For patients not in the hospital, call Legacy Medical Group-Palliative Care at 503-413-6862 for more information.


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