For Patients

We want to match you with a doula who will make you feel safe and who will respect you, your family, and your birthing experience. We want you to feel positive about being a parent.

Choose your Legacy doula

Para Las Pacientes

Queremos asignarle una doula que la haga sentir segura, que la respetará a usted, a su familia y su experiencia de parto. Queremos que se sienta segura acerca de ser madre.

Elija su doula de Legacy

For Future Doulas

In order to become a Legacy contractor doula in Oregon, there are certain steps that must be followed, including registration, continuing education, CPR training, a background check and more.

View Doula Resources & Information

Looking for doula support, but aren’t eligible for Legacy’s doula program?

Learn about your options

Latest Doula Stories

Legacy News
Legacy Health’s innovative doula program receives national recognition