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Grief support and bereavement services

What We Understand About Grief

Legacy Hospice Services views grief and mourning as natural reactions following a death. The experience of grief can sometimes feel overwhelming, confusing and can affect many different parts of a person, including a person’s body, emotions, relationships, behavior, spirituality and thoughts. While grief is a universal part of being human, each person may have a different way of experiencing, expressing and coping with grief. Though they may always feel some grief, most people gradually adjust and find ways to live with the loss.

How We Can Help

The bereavement program has developed a number of ways to assist grieving families. All of our services are provided free of charge by trained bereavement specialists. Services include:

  • Grief education and information on grief support groups and classes for adults and children
  • Short term supportive grief counseling for hospice families and the community at large 
  • Referrals to community resources
  • Hospice memorial gatherings

Grief Support Offerings


Please Note: All in-person grief support sessions have been postponed until further notice due to Coronavirus-19 precautions. Virtual classes and phone support are still available for all grief/bereavement needs.


All Legacy Hospice grief support groups and classes are facilitated by grief professionals and are open to those grieving a loss through death. Groups are provided free of charge. Please call 503-220-1000 to register and for current schedules. Registration is required for all group offerings.

Understanding Grief: Information and Tools for Coping is a one-session class designed to provide information to newly grieving people &/or their support people. Participants learn how to identify their own grieving style and what coping strategies might best help them.


Ongoing Grief Support Groups offer the opportunity to meet other grieving people and share experiences and coping strategies. Groups meet continuously throughout the year in both the Portland and McMinnville area. New members are welcome to join at any time.


Pathways to Healing grief support groups offer eight weekly meetings.The group utilizes a grief book as a source of information and basis for discussion, as well as providing a safe environment for sharing and self-exploration.Creative and memorializing projects also aid in grief expression


In This Togetheris an eight-week child & family grief support program serving children, teens and their parents or guardians. This program is a collaboration between Legacy Hospice Services, the Providence Hospice Programs and the Oregon Hospice Association. Learn more information  


To register for any of these groups /classes or to access other grief support:

Legacy Hospice main line 503-220-1000



Community Impact
Women’s History Month: Reza Antoszewska
Community Impact
Black History Month: OJ Johnson
Community Impact
Black History Month: Nichelle Bussey