Debbie Dresler, PT

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My Specialties:

Neurological Rehabilitation Therapy; Vestibular Balance Falls Therapy, Board-certified

My Areas of Focus:

Concussion and Head Injuries


English, Interpreters available for other languages



About Me:

Debbie Dresler, PT, graduated from Pacific University with a bachelor's degree in Physical Therapy. She has APTA certifications in Vestibular Rehabilitation and treatment of Cervical Vertigo. Debbie has worked for many years with Legacy, helping those with traumatic, CVA, and disease-related brain injury. She has expertise in the areas of balance and gait, and enjoys working with elderly patients on fall prevention, better balance, and supporting their goals to maintain an independent lifestyle. Hobbies include: cooking, hiking, kayaking, gardening, and spending time with family and friends. test

Physical Therapy: Pacific University
Year I Started Practice: 1980
Hospitals Served: Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center

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