Jen Smith, LCSW
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My Specialties:
Palliative MedicineMy Areas of Focus:
Palliative CareLanguages:
FemaleWhere I see patients
Where I see patients
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
501 N. Graham
Portland, OR 97227 - 503-413-2200
- Visitor Hours: 8 a.m.-9 p.m.
About Me:
Jen received her Master's Degree in Social Work (MSW) in 2009 and has worked as a Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in a variety of medical settings since that time (ED, ICU, Oncology, now in Palliative Care). She passed the Advanced Palliative & Hospice Social Work certification (APHSW-C) in 2021, which embodies much of Jen's career focus and interest. Jen is focused on helping patients understand their medical condition(s), so as to empower them to ask questions and advocate for their own care. Jen is passionate about bringing forth an individual's values and goals as top priority, in efforts to help with their own medical decision making. Jen's career focuses have been on advance care planning, interdisciplinary collaboration and education, Vital Talk trainings, facilitating debriefings, and focusing on one's quality of life as it relates to medical decisions. When not at work in the hospital, Jen enjoys time with her daughters and husband and sipping coffee on sun-filled vacations.
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