Rishi Rattan, MD, FACS

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My Specialties:
Critical Care Medicine, Board-certified, Fellowship Trained; General Surgery, Board-certified; Surgical Critical Care, Board-certified; Surgical Critical Care, Board-certified; Trauma Surgery; Trauma SurgeryMy Areas of Focus:
Appendicitis, Bowel Surgery, Hernia Surgery, TraumaLanguages:
MaleWhere I see patients
Where I see patients
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
501 N. Graham
Portland, OR 97227 - 503-413-2200
- Visitor Hours: 8 a.m.-9 p.m.
About Me:
Dr. Rishi Rattan performs a broad range of open and minimally invasive procedures for both emergency and routine surgical problems. He finds being able to take the time to speak to and get to know his patients one of the most rewarding aspects of his job. He sits on committees of several professional organizations and helps write and publish practice management guidelines for his field. Recognized by the federal government as a subject matter expert, he holds multiple field and teaching positions in the National Disaster Medical System and has trained domestic and international NGO, government, and military agencies on emergency surgery. He has been invited to present his research internationally and his work has been published in lay and academic press and translated into several languages. In his free time, Dr. Rattan enjoys live music, hiking, snowboarding, scuba diving, and skydiving.
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