Transplant Services

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Transplants leading to an improved quality of life

The first successful adult human kidney transplant was done in 1954. Since then, many successful organ transplants have been done. Transplantation of various organs, tissues, and cells (such as kidneys, hearts, lungs, livers, and bone marrow) are now possible in children. Survival is steadily increasing, and successful transplants now lead to an improved quality of life. 

Bone marrow transplant services

Legacy Health is the only designated collection and apheresis (a process of collecting peripheral blood stem cells) center in Oregon for the National Marrow Donor Program. 

Kidney transplants

Kidney transplant surgery is a complex procedure. What's more, the experience of receiving a kidney, or donating one, can be highly emotional.

Stem cell transplant services

The physicians, nurses, and professional team at Legacy Health have provided safe and effective autologous (meaning "from the self") transplant care for more than 20 years.


Community Impact
Black History Month: Clemy Jones
Healthy Living
Healthy Cooking Series: Nutty Harvest Honeycrisp Kale Salad
Patient Stories
Legacy reaches milestone for two specialty surgeries