Handle The Heat: Cooling Centers and Resources in Our Area
June 25, 2021
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A heatwave is expected this weekend, with temperatures soaring to triple digits throughout Oregon and Washington. Knowing the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion, heat stroke, sunburn, and dehydration are important. If you are feeling unwell, please call 911 immediately or visit your nearest emergency department.
To learn more about heat related illnesses, hear what Dr. Christian Molstrom from Legacy-GoHealth Urgent Care has to say about signs and symptoms.
Dr. Jess Miller of Legacy Medical Group also has some practical things we can all do to stay healthy during this historic heatwave.
If you need a place to cool off, here is a list of resources by county to find a local cooling center near you:
Clark County: http://cresa911.org/2021/06/23/cooling-center-locations-clark-county/
Multnomah County: https://www.multco.us/help-when-its-hot
Washington County: https://www.co.washington.or.us/HHS/hot-weather.cfm
Marion County: https://co.marion.or.us/PW/EmergencyManagement/Pages/alerts.aspx
Clackamas County: https://www.clackamas.us/alert