Three Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center Employees Awarded Scholarships
July 14, 2022
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The Meg Gadler Tripp Nursing Scholarship honors the contributions she made to patients, colleagues and her community.
To honor Meg Gadler Tripp, a well-loved nurse at Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center who passed away in 2021, the hospital and Tripp’s parents, Kathy and Tim Gadler, awarded three employees with scholarships in late June, which will help them further their educational health care endeavors.
Paul Anderson, emergency department technician, Gabe Haynes, emergency department nurse, and Melissa Santiesteban, emergency department technician, each received $2,000 in scholarship funds. All three are currently in school.
The scholarship in Meg’s name was created last year as a way to honor her and the many lives she touched. She was a fierce advocate for higher education and always encouraged her hospital colleagues to go further.
“I worked with Meg for many years and really enjoyed working with her,” said Santiesteban. “Her leadership was inspiring.”
Santiesteban is attending nursing school now – something she’s wanted to do her whole life, she said.
“Being a single parent, I tried three times, but now my kids are grown, and I am finally completing my life’s dream.” She plans to graduate in 2023.
Haynes also recalled the big impact Meg made on the hospital and its patients and was honored to receive the scholarship.
“Meg was an extremely skilled nurse who understood how the ICU and the ED work. It’s unusual to see that overlap,” she said.

On Monday, June 27, 2022, three Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center employees were awarded the Meg Gadler Tripp Nursing Scholarship. One of the recipients, Melissa Santiesteban, is seen here, second from right. The scholarship fund was named after Meg to honor her memory after she passed away in 2021. From left to right: Meg’s fiancé, Ben Leighton, Meg’s father, Tim Gadler, and Meg’s mother, Kathy Gadler.
Haynes is working on her family nurse practitioner (FNP) degree and plans to graduate in 2024. The program will help stretch her professionally and provide new opportunities. “Most urgent cares are staffed with FNPs, and they tend to work in primary care as well. The FNP will open doors for me.”
Anderson is finishing his nursing degree and said the scholarship is a huge help, as his family works and raises two young children. He said just knowing Meg would be on shift meant it would be a good day at Mount Hood.
“Always a blessing and a pleasure to know she was going to be at work. You knew you’d have a good shift.”
Anderson will have his bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) soon and is looking forward to his emergency department residency this summer. Before working at Mount Hood, he served the community as a paramedic.
“I was very moved by how emergency services and staff are so professional and knew that’s something I want to do – to help patients and families. It feels like a natural transition for me.”
-- Elizabeth Baker,