Legacy News

Legacy supports, pays staff during COVID-19

March 19, 2020

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The Portland Business Journal highlighted Legacy Health for our efforts to support employees during the COVID-19 crisis, including paying those asked not to work.

“As an employer, we’re really focused on reassuring employees in every way,” says Sonja Steves, Legacy’s chief human resources officer. “It’s an emotional time, and people are concerned about economics and job security. We’re trying to address those things and get our work force ready for the surge we expect soon.


Redeploying and paying staff

Among the steps highlighted in the article:

• Because Legacy suspended all non-urgent procedures to focus on COVID-19, the employees who normally work in those roles are being placed in other jobs when possible.
• Staff members who can’t find a new assignment will still be paid at least through the end of April.
• Legacy has a hotline for COVID-19-related questions, such as whether it’s OK or not to come to work.
• Any employee who is quarantined receives paid time off.
• For those employees who have COVID-19, the normal two-week waiting period for short-term disability will be waived.
• Some 700 administrative and central office staff members are working from home to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
• Legacy has a fund for employees who experience financial hardship.
“I expect we’ll be making modifications as things evolve,” Steves says. “We’ll be extending COVID-related benefits for as long as necessary.”

Read the Portland Business Journal article

Media inquiries: Kristin Whitney: kmwhitne@lhs.org


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