Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
Residency Programs
Quick facts
- Our 36-month PMSR/RRA program is fully accredited by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education.
- We offer a diverse patient population and a well-rounded training experience in both downtown and suburban locations.
- Our dedicated teaching staff provides exposure to a diverse patient population, and provides a professional academic environment, preparing residents for success in any practice setting.
- Our graduates are proficient podiatric physicians and surgeons, prepared for success in both private practice and as members of multi-disciplinary groups.
- Portland, Oregon, is one of the most livable cities in the United States.
Sound interesting? We think you'll share our enthusiasm for our unique and exciting PMSR training program.
Program highlights
Our program is fully accredited by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) for four first-year, four second-year and four third-year positions. In addition, slots are available for four fourth-year podiatric medical students each month, June - December. We are not directly affiliated with any college of podiatry.
We provide residents with clinical and surgical experience that allows them to take their place as active, knowledgeable and integral members of the medical community. The Legacy Health Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residency Program takes place at:
- Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, home of the first Level I Trauma Center in Oregon verified by the American College of Surgeons, Legacy Oregon Burn Center (the only burn center between Seattle and Sacramento), Randall Children's Hospital at Legacy Emanuel and a variety of outpatient clinics.
- Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center, featuring centers of excellence in heart, cancer and stroke care and Legacy Devers Eye Institute. Both Emanuel and Good Samaritan provide inpatient and outpatient medicine and surgery training at several diverse locations, resulting in an environment in which podiatrists are trained as physicians both in medical and podiatric patient management. See About Legacy for more information.
- Kaiser Permanente Northwest Foundation, including Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center and Sunnybrook Medical Office and Surgery Center, provides residents with hands-on inpatient podiatric medicine and surgery experience, with both outpatient clinical and surgical patient contact.
- Residents also experience training opportunities in other environments throughout the Portland metro area including Adventist Health, Kaiser, and Providence hospital facilities; and Alberty, Cornell, Columbia River, Mt. Scott, and Oregon Outpatient ambulatory surgery centers.
Academic Commitment:
- Our program features comprehensive evidence-based curriculum with biweekly organized meetings, a weekly resident lecture series and textbook chapter review, monthly journal club, cadaveric dissection lab and sawbone workshops, community case discussion and visiting clinician lecture series.
- Extensive library resources, including Ovid, MD Consult and access to current literature from multiple medical libraries are available on every hospital computer at all locations.
- Institutional support for the program insures generous resident benefits.
Affordable and Beautiful Environment
Portland is an ideal place to live. Surrounded by mountains and only an hour from the Pacific Ocean, the Portland area offers a multitude of recreational and relaxation activities, including hiking and bicycle riding. Summer is graced with waterfront festivals on the river, including the Portland Rose Festival in June. Nearby, the Columbia Gorge offers internationally renowned windsurfing, as well as water skiing and fishing. Mt. Hood towers over the city, and welcomes snow skiers and snowboarders, as well as hikers and rock climbers. See About Portland for more information.
For More Information
Karilyn Thomas, Program Coordinator
Legacy Health
Graduate Medical Education
Northrup Building
1015 N.W. 22nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97210
Email: karithom@lhs.org
Phone: 503-413-8401
Fax: 503-413-7361