Blood bank transfusion services
Blood bank transfusion services annually performs more than 29,000 compatibility procedures and provides more than 18,000 units of red cells, 3,000 units of plasma, 2,000 units of plateletpheresis and 2000 units of cryoprecipitate in their transfusion support of inpatients and outpatients at Legacy's six hospitals, including the needs of trauma, cardiac surgery, oncology and the neonatal intensive care units. Each hospital Blood Bank Transfusion Service is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week at each of our hospitals. In addition, a clinical pathologist is on call at all times for consultation.
Cytopathology is the microscopic evaluation of cells that are spontaneously exfoliated or physically removed from human tissues. The cytopathology laboratory evaluates specimens from many body sites, including the lungs, lymph nodes, thyroid and urinary tract. Cervicovaginal cytology (Pap smear) has a role in the detection of premalignant changes or early cancer of the uterine cervix.
All specimens submitted to the Cytology Laboratory must be appropriately labeled and accompanied by a completed requisition. Adequate history and clinical information are integral parts of the cytologic evaluation of specimens. Proper collection, fixation and preparation of the cytologic specimen are essential for accurate evaluation of the sample.