Legacy Health Partners - News & Updates
Delivering value and improving health
Quality Corner: 2023 clinical integration program and measure resources
As we announced in December, LHP’s clinical integration program will remain mostly the same in 2023 with a few new measures and updates to existing measures to ensure we’re measuring and improving what matters to patients, our network of providers, and to insurance payors.
The 2023 Clinical Integration Handbook on the LHP team site defines the eligible population for each measure in the CI program and the criteria for satisfying the numerator as well as any relevant exclusions.
Since LHP added a couple new measures this year that are typically monitored by CMS for the Medicare Star Ratings system, we saved additional toolkits and resources on the network support page on the LHP team site to help primary care practices with workflows and coding considerations to set you up for success in these new measures this year. Let your outreach adviser know if you need additional support monitoring and improving your performance and they can help connect you to our Quality Performance and Improvement team of consultants and coordinators who can help evaluate current workflows, recommend improvements and assist with standardizing care.

Reminder: The LHP Dashboard in Power BI will begin displaying performance measures for 2023 in April once we’ve finalized all 2022 performance data with final claims and supplemental clinical data.