PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program
Frequently asked questions
Is the Legacy Health PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency ASHP accredited?
The PGY2 Ambulatory Care program is ASHP accredited.
How many residents does Legacy Health accept?
Legacy trains two PGY2 residents in Ambulatory Care each year.
What are the learning experiences for PGY2 residents?
Residents will train in three different primary care clinics in addition to the longitudinal primary care staffing rotation. Residents will have four elective experiences of 4-6 week duration.
Required learning experiences:
A. Orientation-general and site specific for staffing rotation (4 weeks)
B. Staffing in Internal Medicine Clinic (every Monday throughout residency year)
C. Primary Care I (8 weeks)
D. Primary Care II (8 weeks)
E. Primary Care III (10 weeks)
F. Population Health (4 weeks)
G. Administration (4 weeks)
H. Practice Management (every Thursday throughout residency year)
I. Longitudinal Residency Project (throughout residency year)
Elective experiences:
- Advanced primary care
- Informatics
- Medication Management Services
- Renal transplant
- Rural internal medicine
- Transitions of care
- Oregon Pharmacy Teaching Certificate (OPTC) program
- Other elective experiences may be developed based on resident interest and preceptor availability
What teaching opportunities are available for residents?
Legacy Health is a teaching facility for medical residents, medical students, pharmacy residents, and pharmacy students, as well as other disciplines. There are opportunities for pharmacy residents to teach pharmacy students taking clerkships within Legacy as well as PGY1 residents. If residents elect to complete the Oregon Pharmacy Teaching Certificate (OPTC) program, they can also teach at either the OHSU/OSU College of Pharmacy or Pacific University School of Pharmacy.
What are the qualification requirements for residency candidates?
Candidates for the Legacy Residency Program must have graduated from an ACPE accredited School or College of Pharmacy and are required to be licensed in Oregon within 90 days of starting the program.
Candidates must have completed an ASHP accredited PGY1 residency program.
Candidates must apply by using the Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service (PhORCAS).
Legacy participates in the ASHP Residency Matching Program. Applicants are required to be registered in the ASHP Matching Program.
If Legacy has an unmatched position, our program will open the application process to other qualified candidates.
Applications must be received by January 2 each year for the following residency training year.
What is the purpose of the Legacy PGY2 training program?
PGY2 pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency programs to contribute to the development of clinical pharmacists in advanced or specialized practice. PGY2 residencies provide residents with opportunities to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating accumulated experience and knowledge and incorporating both into the provision of patient care that improves medication therapy. Residents who successfully complete an accredited PGY2 pharmacy residency should possess competencies that qualify them for clinical pharmacist and/or faculty positions and position them to be eligible for attainment of board certification in the specialized practice area (when board certification for the practice area exists).
What is the compensation for Legacy pharmacy residents?
The resident's monthly stipend is competitive with the local and national market. The exact amount can be found each year on the ASHP Residency Directory. Legacy Benefits include family health, vision, and dental insurance, paid vacation, sick leave, holidays, a matched tax shelter annuity, travel allowance and a reduced cost public transportation pass. Residents are compensated for travel to ASHP Midyear meeting.
Does Legacy Health sponsor H-1B Visas for foreign students or PGY1 residents interested in pursuing residency training?
Legacy Health is not able to sponsor visas for foreign students or PGY1 residents interested in pursuing residency training.
What positions have past residents accepted?
Residents have gone on to accept clinic pharmacist positions either with Legacy or closer to their hometown, as well as transitions of care and population health clinical pharmacy positions.
What does a typical week look like for residents?
Residents typically will be on rotation training sites on Mondays through Fridays. A typical week would include training at their longitudinal staffing rotation in primary care clinic every Monday. Residents will train in their required or elective rotation learning experiences on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Thursdays are self-directed administrative and project time.
Is it required to publish the longitudinal project data into a journal?
While residents are not required to publish their data into a journal, residents are required to complete a manuscript of publishable quality. Past residents and preceptors have published into various journals including: the Journal of Pharmacy Practice, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, and Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, and won poster presentation awards during the ACCP symposium.
What are other examples of what resident life looks like at Legacy Health?
Here is a link to a recent pharmacy residency newsletter that gives further insight into life as a pharmacy resident here at Legacy Health!