Legacy Oregon Burn Center

Community Prevention

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Oregon Burn Center Community Classes

The Oregon Burn Center aims to prevent all community members from experiencing a burn injury. We offer free classes throughout Oregon and SW Washington on the care, treatment and prevention of burn injuries. These are engaging presentations lasting 90 minutes to 2 hours presented by a staff member of the Oregon Burn Center. Content can be tailored to your audience and the time available; all handouts and materials are provided free of charge.

To schedule a class, email Oregon Burn Center.

Class descriptions

Prevention and first aid for high-risk workers – This class is best for our high-risk workers in our community with an extra focus on electrical and arch flash burn injuries. We review what these injuries can look like, ways to protect workers from these injuries and the initial first aid that she be provided to those who have experienced a burn injury. These can take place in person at the place of work or virtually.

Pediatric burn safety – This class is geared towards caregivers of children. Whether parent, daycare providers, teachers or simply people who spend time around children, there is prevention information for everyone. We ensure you will learn something new and leave feeling a little bit more confident in protecting the child in your lives.

Burn prevention brochures

Community Impact
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